It's hard to believe that summer is already over- this year is just flying by! We have a few quick updates for you as we begin thinking about the upcoming holiday gift-giving season, and look forward into 2018. WINTER IS COMING! It may be only September, but for us it's...
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The Twisted Monk Wholesale Portal
Welcome to the new wholesale portal for The Twisted Monk wholesale clients. We're proud to be able to streamline ordering, allow you to receive updates online, and have access to PR images and training information all in one place.
- Placing smaller, more frequent orders helps us provide a faster order turn-around. Mix-and-matching colors is fine, however the fewer color variables per-order the faster we will be able to ship your rope.
- When placing larger orders, or orders with a wide cross-section of our color range, let us know if it's OK for us to ship your order in increments. This helps get you your rope faster.
- Place orders before you are sold-out. We make our rope small-batch, process it all by hand, and are an online retailer ourself. Rope takes time to make, and other orders may be ahead of you.